__ /\ \ __ _____\ \ \___ _____ ___ ___ /\_\ ____ __ /\ '__`\ \ _ `\/\ '__`\ _______ /' _ `\ / __`\/\ \ /',__\ /'__`\ \ \ \L\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \L\ \/\______\/\ \/\ \/\ \L\ \ \ \/\__, `\/\ __/ \ \ ,__/\ \_\ \_\ \ ,__/\/______/\ \_\ \_\ \____/\ \_\/\____/\ \____\ \ \ \/ \/_/\/_/\ \ \/ \/_/\/_/\/___/ \/_/\/___/ \/____/ \ \_\ \ \_\ \/_/ \/_/ PHP noise image generator v1.2 Visit: https://RundesBalli.com https://github.com/RundesBalli/php-noise Usage: All parameters are optional. -h, --help Shows this help text and exits the script. --hex Color HEX Code Possible values: #000000-#FFFFFF The hash (#) must not be provided. If the parameter is provided, the -r -g -b parameters will be ignored. If the Hex-Code is invalid, a random color will be generated. -r , -g , -b Red, green, blue Possible values: 0-255 If one of the parameters is invalid or not provided, it will be generated randomly. If the --hex parameter is provided, all three of these parameters will be ignored. --tiles Number of tiles per row and column. The image is square, therefore it hast $tiles x $tiles tiles. Default: 50 In CLI this value isn't capped. Outside of the CLI its capped to 50. --tileSize Width and height of one tile in pixels. Default: 7 In CLI this value isn't capped. Outside of the CLI its capped to 20. --borderWidth Width of the grid which is drawed between tiles in pixels. Default: 0 In CLI this value isn't capped. Outside of the CLI its capped to 15. --mode Color calculation mode. 1. brightness: Calculates the colors by brightness adjustments based on the reference color. 2. around: Calculates the colors randomly around the reference color. Default: brightness --multi (only in brightness mode) Increases or decreases the percentage spacing between colors. Allowed values are positive floating point numbers with one decimal place. Default: 1.5 --steps (only in brightness mode) Increases or decreases the number of possible colors above and below the reference color. Default: 5 In CLI this value isn't capped. Outside of the CLI its capped to 50. --json Saves the image and returns a JSON-String with the filename. Only via GET in browsermode. --base64 Only in combination with the JSON output. Exports the base64 string of the image in the base64 field in the JSON output. In a browser, you can simply provide those parameters via GET. Please report bugs to: https://github.com/RundesBalli/php-noise/issues